The “Christ is Risen” Cross


Suspended above the altar, the “Christ is Risen” cross, designed by Robert Bliss, provides a striking expression of our faith.

Jesus sacrificed his life for ours, but he no longer hangs upon the cross suffering for our sins.

The white of the marble shouts tidings of the his resurrection. He Is Risen!


According to the artist’s design, t

he light from the window shines through the white marble.

This makes it appear translucent at times, like Christ's own light to the world.

The harsh steel of the supports appear at the points of Jesus’ pain: his hands, his feet, and the crown of thorns placed on his head.

The outside edges of the stone were left rough like the outside world.

However, the inner edges, which outline the form of Jesus, are smooth and polished and beautiful like Christ's inner self.


The shadows created by the lighting in the sanctuary reflecting on the side walls, create an image reminiscent of the two thieves who were crucified with Jesus.

This feature was not planned by the artist, but has become both a moving and significant part of the design.


The “Christ is Risen” cross is included in the chapter entitled “Stone” of an international book of church art called

A Treasury of Anglican Art published by Rizzoli of New York.

We invite all who visit to gaze and to be fed by this artistic treasure that has been left for us by others who appreciated the human need to nourish our senses as we worship him who suffered, died, and rose again for us.

Regardless of your interpretation of what you see, this work of art continues to move those who visit All Saints.